Virtù Hospitality

Old Town Scottsdale’s Premiere Dining Destinations

More than 30 years of rich tradition

Since opening our first restaurant in New York City in 1989, The PatioTime has brought together our passion for quality steak and seafood, family values, and seasoned restaurant experience. Every time you eat with us, you’re tasting years of hard work, innovation, and commitment to good food.

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Sights, Sounds, Scents

Master Of His Craft

Chef Gio is a long-time Phoenix area favorite, having cooked in countless award-winning local kitchens before fulfilling his life-long dream of opening a restaurant of his own in 2013 with Virtu Honest Craft, where his ever-changing menu features a modern, global approach to his Mediterranean family roots. In 2020 Chef Gio opened Pizzeria Virtu, an authentic Neapolitan Pizzeria. This elevated dining experience brings pizza to the next level!

New York Times

Best Steak House Wine Lists
New York, NY

Business Insider

Best Steakhouses in America
Year 2021

Open Table

100 Best Steakhouses in America,
Las Vegas, NV


Best New Restaurants in America

James Beard Foundation

Best New Restaurant Semi Finalist

Honestly Crafted

The Team Creating The Vision

Our team shares the same passion and desire to achieve greatness. The complex simplicity of the craft of our cocktails to the elegant craft of winemaking, each and every selection has been thoughtfully curated with our cuisine creations in mind to complement in unison the complete dining experience.

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Mediterranean Inspired

Virtu Honest Craft

At Virtù, the Machiavellian term for achieving excellence, expect a wandering, Mediterranean-inspired menu that changes almost weekly, sometimes daily.

Napoletana Tradition of Pizza Making

Pizzeria Virtu

Keeping Pizzeria Virtù in the same tradition that has made Virtù Honest Craft a staple in the valley, the menu at Pizzeria Virtù changes frequently all while adhering to the strict guidelines of the AVPN. We are creating a memorable dining experience through pizza!
